3Sat Kulturzeit

3Sat Kulturzeit

CD Release

New album out now

New album out now > Steady as She Goes < Traumton Records

We're super happy to finally release our third album. It's a labour of love and many wonderful people were involved in its development. Thank you to all of them and thank YOU for listening! <3
You can order the CD directly in our shop or find it online to buy or stream (Amazon, iTunes, Spotify etc.)

We're looking forward to seeing you on the road soon:

Steady as She Goes < Releasetour 2018
> Steady as She Goes < Releasetour 2018

TV portrait


Woohoo, our new album "Steady as She Goes" got featured in Tagesschau!

Watch it online …



Animalistic fashion, animating interview. Here you can listen to our interview at radioeins

Portrait: Holler my Dear

Zum Release des 3. Holler my Dear Albums "Steady as She Goes" (VÖ 02/02/2018 Traumton Records) erzählen Bandmitglieder Laura Winkler, Lucas Dietrich und Stephen Molchanski, sowie der Produzent des Albums, Ben Barritt, von der Entstehungsgeschichte des Albums, wie Reisen das Songwriting inspiriert haben und warum es Holler my Dear so wichtig war, politische Songs zu schreiben.

"Steady as She Goes " out on 02/02/2018 Traumton Records
Video by: Rawcreation www.rawcreation.org

Initiative Musik gGmbH

Holler my Dear is supported by Initiative Musik gGmbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.