Holler on Tour


Still on Adrenalin


Ein halbes Jahr haben wir auf die “The More the Merrier” Grandshow hingefiebert, gestern wurden all unsere Erwartungen übertroffen. SO MUCH FUN !!! Danke Guido Rottmann für das Festhalten dieses emotionalen, Adrenalin getränkten Abends - ein unglaublicher Moment unserer Bandgeschichte. Und TAUSEND DANK unseren wunderbaren Gästen, sowie allen Crowdfunder*innen, die dieses Feuerwerk erst ermöglicht haben!

Grand Show at Lido

The More the Merrier

Only a couple of days until the party of spring!
Preparations are running intensely: new songs get their last final twist, the set designers are constructing like crazy (even our clothes), old songs get remixed, the Feature Guests make us happy at rehearsals and the circus artists inspire us on a whole new level, while the orga team is unstoppable.
All this incredible energy flows into a brand new set list and dramaturgy for this once in a lifetime concert - we can't wait!

T I C K E T S [click]
F A C E B O O K - E V E N T [click]

Wallis Bird Cover


My dears, since you've fullfilled our crowdfunding dream we can't stop smiling. Here's a little present for you: a cover version of the Wallis Bird song "Encore". Wallis Bird is on of our all-time-favourite artists, full of inspiration and energy. Lately Wallis has made a bunch of covers by herself, so we thought, it's about time that somebody covers her brilliant music.
Well, and one day we'd like to share the stage with her... <3

Successful Crowdfunding!


You are simply amazing - 6.071 bucks. Many thanks to everyone who supported our courageous Crowdfunding project and believes in us 💛 You can be sure: it'll be a blast on April 4th in Lido

Initiative Musik gGmbH

Holler my Dear is supported by Initiative Musik gGmbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.